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 "I was deeply inspired by Marc Rivera relating his struggle to navigate through the mainstream.  It is unfortunate that in his journey he often had those who did not want to seek to understand and provide him acceptance.  I know that Marc's story will resonate with other persons in the autism spectrum and mybe it will provide a path to others to be able to become more aware, more supportive, and to be able to embrace diversity of experience.  Thank you, Marc Rivera, for providing this glimpse into your journey."


-Dan L. Edmunds, Ed.D.,B.C.S.A., DAPA


"A book I recently purchased.  I was able to meet Marc and his parents and they are great people.  If you want to see autism from the view of the the person with Asperger's, buy and read the book. The proceeds are going to establishing a grant to assist people with autism".



-Dan Mitchell (talking about the book Tears of Pain: My Life with Autism)


The book can be purchased at or at



"I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is easy to read, flows nicely and provides an accurate and poignant view of what living with Asperger Spectrum Disorder is like. I learned a lot from Marc Rivera, and encourage people of all ages, especially young teens, to read his book. You will come away with a better understanding of people with Asperger's as well as the ability to empathize."


-Susan Shuman (




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